Wheatgrass heals 74-year-old man with cancer, after doctors give him only weeks to live

If you could heal your cancer with a few shots of wheatgrass every morning instead of undergoing chemotherapy, would you do it? It may sound crazy, but 74-year-old Danny McDonald from Ireland did just that.

McDonald was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and doctors warned him that without undergoing their prescribed treatments, he’d likely be dead within three months. Likely inspired by the prospect of having three weeks to live, McDonald chose not to suffer through weeks of toxic chemo treatments, and instead embarked on a path to natural wellness. Wouldn’t you rather spend your last few weeks eating healthy foods and taking supplements instead of being bedridden?

Amazingly enough, McDonald’s choice to change his eating habits didn’t just grant him a peaceful few weeks, but instead, a new lease on life. In 2013, Danny had already surpassed his doctors’ expectations and survived for four years without conventional treatment.

Mr. McDonald reports that he first became aware of his condition when an ulcer in his stomach blew open, requiring him to be rushed to the hospital. There, attending physicians informed him that he had severe stomach cancer that had spread across his entire body. He was told that the only option to save his life was to undergo toxic chemo treatments, otherwise he’d have just a few short months left.

Unlike most people in that situation, Danny told his doctors that he wasn’t going to go along with  their prescribed treatment plan, and instead chose to pursue a path to natural wellness. Danny says, “I knew it would kill me. They were furious I had come to that conclusion. The consultant warned me I’d be dead in three months.”

Mr. McDonald made a very informed decision after having researched the benefits of wheatgrass, and had great faith in his choice. He began his new, healthy regimen by consuming one ounce of juiced wheatgrass every morning, and worked his way up to taking a full seven ounces of the potent superfood. Danny says that after just a week of taking wheatgrass every day, he noticed that the intense burning sensation he felt in his side had disappeared. This prompted him to stop taking his prescription medication, and he hasn’t gone back to it since. After a whole month of consuming wheatgrass daily, Mr. McDonald says all of his pain had finally subsided.

With his pain finally gone, Danny was sure that he was on the right path to curing his cancer. And after surviving so many years beyond what any conventional professional could have guessed, its hard to argue with him.




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