Study reveals breast cancer can return years after the “all clear” – Experts already pushing to keep women on prescriptions longer (no mention of lifestyle)

The findings of a new study out of England have blown yet another hole in the conventional cancer therapy myth, revealing that women who undergo typical procedures like chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer often see the deadly disease return – in some cases up to 20 years after they were supposedly “cured.”

As part of their investigation, researchers from Oxford University looked at 88 separate clinical trials involving a total of 62,923 women who were treated for breast cancer. From this data they concluded that breast cancer often lies “dormant” in women’s bodies even after treatment has ended, which is why many conventional oncologists advise their patients to continue taking hormone drugs like tamoxifen in order to keep tumors at bay.

A woman who has previously been “cleared” of breast cancer might take tamoxifen for several years post-chemotherapy and seem fine – until she stops taking the tamoxifen. This is when breast cancer can unexpectedly reemerge, possibly even several decades later, resulting in a second breast cancer diagnosis.

“Every patient received pill treatments such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors which block the effects of oestrogen or shut off the hormone’s supply,” reported DailyMail Online Medical Correspondent Ben Spencer about the study’s participants. “After five years of therapy, their cancers had gone and they stopped taking the drugs.”

“But monitoring the women’s progress revealed recurrences of the disease up to 15 years later – 20 years after initial diagnosis.”


So while women who were previously diagnosed with breast cancer are now living longer thanks to drugs like tamoxifen, this survival comes at a cost. It appears as though such drugs are only a temporary fix and that they don’t, in fact, cure cancer, but rather mask it for an indefinite period of time as long as women keep taking them.

“It is remarkable that breast cancer can remain dormant for so long and then spread many years later, with this risk remaining the same year after year and still strongly related to the size of the original cancer and whether it had spread to the lymph nodes,” stated lead research Dr. Hongchao Pan about the findings.

Chemotherapy is an often ineffective treatment method for cancer that, in many cases, can cause cancer to worsen and spread. To keep up with the latest news on this front, visit

Cancer industry continues to keep women in the dark about the cancer preventative benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise

One would think that such findings would cause the cancer establishment to rethink what it means to treat cancer in the modern age. Perhaps we need something more comprehensively effective than just poison and pharmaceuticals to “cure” people from one of the most devastating diseases of our time, wouldn’t you say?

But that’s not where the conversation about breast cancer is going at this point. In fact, rather than start recommending that women alter their diets to avoid cancer triggers like plastics chemicals, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and sugar, as a few examples, cancer “experts” are now recommending that women simply stay on their hormone prescriptions indefinitely to avoid suffering a reoccurrence of breast cancer later on down the road.

That’s right: No mention of diet or lifestyle can be found in this latest study on the effectiveness of modern-day cancer treatments. Instead, women are likely going to be told to keep on going with the status quo – after all, there’s a whole lot of money to be made in peddling poison and pills as opposed to diet and exercise.The same is true for mastectomies, which generate billions of dollars in profits for cancer surgeons, even when women don’t actually need them.

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